… and this is why I work for myself … #solucky #thehardworkisworthit #workhardplayharder #halfterm #monday #13km #autumnsun #mumofboys #bikeride #hertfordshire #herts #nutritiousmovement #baldock #autumn #workingmum #mumpreneur
this is why i work for myself
... and this is why I work for myself ... #solucky #thehardworkisworthit #workhardplayharder #halfterm #monday #13km #autumnsun #mumofboys #bikeride #hertfordshire #herts #nutritiousmovement #baldock #autumn #workingmum #mumpreneur
Online Courses
I have often thought about creating my own online class library - it would certainly fulfill my passion for getting what I know out there in a really easy, cheap & accessible way to as many of you as possible. The things is that when I teach I love the personal...
Barefoot shoes
Our feet are made to move - let's find shoes that let you do that. Note these are for the UK market 🙂
These are books I whol heartedly recommend - read them 🙂
Fact-based writings to help you thrive
Course Reviews – Body Ready Method
Body Ready Method Check out the Body Ready Method here >> I wish everyone who is pregnant had the time, energy an support to invest in themselves whilst carrying new life. I know that isn’t possible for so many, but if you are interested in some programmes to...
Other UK barefoot shoes
Kids shoesHappy Little Soles Widlingshttps://www.wildling.shoes/Free returns? NoKids & Adults sizes EU23-46 Decathlons** Some styles only **- Wellies- New feel men's walking shoes- Nabaji red water shoes Sole...
Vibram Five Fingers
Gloves for your feet 🙂 I still haven't owned any, but my husband is on his fifth pair and adores them. When we have more funds for 'fun shoes' for me I will be in there - can't wait. Five Fingers @ Footworksrunning
These are our go-to school shoes and have been for nearly a decade now... we adore them for smart and subtle barefoot.... and they are UK based - give them a go 🙂 Freet website
Confession time here - I have never owned any lems - they look fab but the styles have just never appealed to my needs. They may to you though so here they are. Let me know how you go. Lems @ Footworksrunning