I have often thought about creating my own online class library – it would certainly fulfill my passion for getting what I know out there in a really easy, cheap & accessible way to as many of you as possible. The things is that when I teach I love the personal connection, even when I am running groups I love them to be small so that I can have a one-to-one chat with everyone in the session at some point – one of my core beliefs is that everyone is an individual, that “one size doesn’t fit all” and that for us to thrive we need to put together the smorgasboard that is right for us, not the one that is served up easily…. and so that is why I am sitting here today serving up the online class offerings for you to pick from… and believe me, which ever you pick it’s going to be a gourmet feast – these are some of the very best classes I have come across.
Online Courses

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