The Blog

this is why i work for myself

this is why i work for myself

... and this is why I work for myself ... #solucky #thehardworkisworthit #workhardplayharder #halfterm #monday #13km #autumnsun #mumofboys #bikeride #hertfordshire #herts #nutritiousmovement #baldock #autumn #workingmum #mumpreneur

Online Courses

Online Courses

I have often thought about creating my own online class library - it would certainly fulfill my passion for getting what I know out there in a really easy, cheap & accessible way to as many of you as possible. The things is that when I teach I love the personal...

Course Reviews – Body Ready Method

Course Reviews – Body Ready Method

Body Ready Method Check out the Body Ready Method here >> I wish everyone who is pregnant had the time, energy an support to invest in themselves whilst carrying new life. I know that isn’t possible for so many, but if you are interested in some programmes to...

Other UK barefoot shoes

Other UK barefoot shoes

Kids shoesHappy Little Soles Widlings returns? NoKids & Adults sizes EU23-46 Decathlons** Some styles only **- Wellies- New feel men's walking shoes- Nabaji red water shoes Sole...

Vibram Five Fingers

Vibram Five Fingers

Gloves for your feet 🙂 I still haven't owned any, but my husband is on his fifth pair and adores them. When we have more funds for 'fun shoes' for me I will be in there - can't wait. Five Fingers @ Footworksrunning



These are our go-to school shoes and have been for nearly a decade now... we adore them for smart and subtle barefoot.... and they are UK based - give them a go 🙂 Freet website



Confession time here - I have never owned any lems - they look fab but the styles have just never appealed to my needs. They may to you though so here they are. Let me know how you go. Lems @ Footworksrunning